50% OFF. EXP 3/25. FINAL SALE $20 OFF
Exterminator is one of the strongest and most complete fat burning formulas on the market right now. Like many US brands, they haven’t held back from throwing everything at this fat burner! It works in various ways to improve body composition and make your diet more manageable.
Key ingredients include:
Caffeine Anhydrous – popular stimulant that works on the central nervous system to increase energy and focus and improve physical output as well as being useful in a diet to control appetite and help you burn more calories.
N-methylpentyl-iminoglutaric acid – brings greater energy, mood, and cognitive function by stimulating excitatory neurotransmitters in the brain. Though increasing mood, it can also help to reduce appetite.
Citrus Aurantium – also seen under the name ‘bitter orange’, this allows for fat to be burned as energy. Also high in antioxidants and vitamin C, it has some great health benefits!